In an exciting start to 2024, Teachers CAN set out to achieve a never-before-experience with the network. We hosted the Fellowship and the newly developed Multiplier programme immersions concurrently. The bigger aim of this was to further establish a sense of collective voice amongst the teachers. Designing the immersion this way allowed the network of teachers to meet each other and to start forming bonds and connections that will now influence them we hope in great ways.
Added to this we hosted the very first Parent Power Champions training immersion, which has a strong focus on bringing teachers together from diverse backgrounds. Focusing on teachers passionate about parental engagement and finding innovative ways to foster it in their schools.

The greatest value of building community in such a way lies in the teachers coming together and connecting at various points of the journey.
A significant learning for the Teachers CAN team is that we should continue to explore ways to foster cross-pollination and collaboration with the network. Facilitating reflections and leveraging opportunities for teachers to connect more intentionally are crucial as they support the voices of teachers and elevate the spaces in which we find connections. This ultimately keeps us consistent in how we learn from our the groundwork and adds tremendous depth to our strategy.

As a network, we’re exploring ways to foster cross-pollination possibly through additional conversations and gatherings. Facilitating reflections and leveraging opportunities for teachers to connect more intentionally are crucial. It would be beneficial for others to see what it looks like when change agents come together. We need more space for teachers and more opportunities for them to share their learnings. Considering the timing of cross-pollination activities and incorporating flexible sessions based on emerging needs could be helpful.
We look forward to hosting immersion two next week and to continuing to build meaningful connections with the Teachers CAN and Parent Power community.
Written by the Teachers CAN team: